Whitetail Deer Hunting

Whitetail Hunting Thoughts and Recollections. Deer hunting pictures, stories, tips, advice.

Location: Michigan, United States

Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Rut

I need to say a few things about the rut, that magical time when does come into heat. It is important to understand that there are phases to the rut. Shortening days cause bucks' testosterone levels to rise. The first effect of this is that they wander, looking for any doe that might be in heat and marking their territory with scrapes and rubs. This is called the seeking phase. Then, as does start to come into heat but are not quite ready to breed, bucks chase the does around. This is the chasing phase. Then actual breeding occurs. The time of actual breeding is typically referred to as the "peak of the rut". When actual breeding is occurring, though, the action in the woods slows down dramatically. That is because the bucks and does are off in the thick stuff typically.

Keep in mind that, during any of these phases, the does will still hit food sources, sometimes with a buck on their trail. But, generally, the breeding phase, i.e. "peak of the rut", is the worst part of the rut to hunt. The seeking and chasing periods are when the best action occurs. In fact, I think that the term "peak of the rut" should refer to the seeking and chasing phases. Because that is the peak hunting time. In fact, in my posts when I say things like "the rut was in full swing", I am always referring to seeking and chasing.

But that is not the way the term is commonly used. So, if you want to try to time your hunting so as to get the best action, don't make the reported "peak of the rut" your first choice. Instead, look to be in the woods a week or two before that. Of course, depending on your weapon of choice, that may not be possible. Any phase of the rut offers better potential for bagging a mature buck than non-rut hunting time.

Charles Alsheimer has some interesting theories on the moon and timing of the rut. His book Hunting Whitetails by the Moon is good reading. You can order it online through his web site:
http://www.charlesalsheimer.com/ca/default.htm His predictions have been right on the money where I hunt for the last few years.


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